EPOS upgrades continue at full pelt

16th November 2017

The EPOS upgrade by one of our major customers continues at full pelt with us either replacing old checkouts with new or carrying out extensive re-fabrication works to others, in order for new Bi Optic scanners to be fitted.

Also included are new operator touch screens and customer displays. Working four nights a week, on up to eleven sites per night across the UK, there will soon be a well-earned break for our fitters to enjoy Christmas, before it all starts again in January!

A regular customer has also ordered checkouts to refit four of their existing sites.

Who would have thought that a Hairdressing Supplies Company would use belted checkouts? We were delighted to provide a solution to this company and after installing at their first site, they soon realized what a difference it made to their efficiency and their customers loved them.

Another of our major partners identified a potential risk to their cash collection process and, working with them to scope their specific requirements, we have developed a product to reduce this risk.